Monday, October 29, 2007


By Andrew Benjamin

BOSTON - Kenmore Square is reminiscent of those rock concerts with rowdy crowds, crowd surfing, and mass consumption of alcohol beverages. Except those are inside the confines of a building usually.

Hundreds and hundreds of jubilant Red Sox fans crowded Kenmore Square to celebrate the 2007 Red Sox Championship. People of all ages, races, and gender celebrated with one another.
Ear piercing chants of "Let's Go Red Sox!," "Yankees Suck!," and even "Joe Buck Suck!" Joe Buck is a sports broadcaster.

One stout girl goes around double palm slapping everyone yelling "YEAH RED SOX!," and even does so to this reporter among other strangers she encounters.

The crowds are fired up. Crowd surfing is rampant. The girls who crowd surf are even enocouraged to reveal their breasts. "Show your tits!," yells a bearded, burly man of about 2o years of age. "That's what baseball is all about!"

Even the cops, who are armed to prevent anything from getting really rowdy interact with the crowd. Numerous people with their digial cameras and cell phones take pictures of the armed guards, even with some regular citizens posing in the shot. One cop gives the peace symbol to one guard.

To commerate the excitment, unknown persons shoot off fireworks, which brighten the sky with their red and green colors.

Winston Posvar, a BU student who is a senior, is excited just like everyone else. "It isn't like 2004," he said. "But it's still exciting."

Three minutes after he spoke, a friend of his embraced him tightly and roared "We are the champions!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andrew --

Nice piece. Just a question: In your second graf, you use the past tense. The rest is in the present tense. In any piece of writing, strive for unity in composition.

Also, I notice the time of posting in 9:41 p.m. I wonder what the place was like at 1 a.m.

--Prof. Daly